Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Miracles do happen when we are patient on the Lord

This week I was on intercambios (exchanges) with Elder Nuñez. We had one of our appointments fall through and we were walking to our backup plan when we saw a man that I had seen a few weeks before. This man had found Elder Forrest and I in the back of one of the travel trucks right before we were going to go to one of our pueblos (little towns). He asked us for a Book of Mormon because he was interested in reading it- but he didn't want to talk yet. We had seen him another time and talked just a little bit about the Book of Mormon with him and he had said that again he wanted to wait to talk for another time. So this week- walking with Elder Nuñez- we found him again and invited him to talk in the church with us. He had already read a few chapters of the Book of Mormon and had a pretty good understanding of what it was. 
We have now taught he and his wife the first lesson- They have excepted baptism for the 24th of September- and they came to church yesterday! It was awesome! We had 6 investigators in church yesterday- and 3 of them were coming for the first time! We are so excited to see how well everything is progressing!
Love you all! Elder Dazey

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Family Home Evenings Work!

HI everyone! We had a 14 year less active family allow us to have a family home evening with them- and then they came to church. It was awesome! The children of the family- who are now adults- barely remember anything about the gospel- and one of them live with his girlfriend- and she is really receptive  It's so awesome! We have had a lot of rain lately. The pictures are from a zone activity we had this week. I LOVE YOU MUCHO!

Monday, August 15, 2016

More Miracles!!

Things weren't going too great - one of our best investigators-Marco- dropped us. Right after we went to visit a young investigator named Luis. He hasn't received permission from his parents to be baptized. His Mom said he could be- so we quickly got the interview organized again. I woke up the day of the interview- and I felt sick- I felt SO TIRED. I felt horrible-I had felt tired the day before- and I was almost in tears wondering if this was going to be the way I would feel every morning for the rest of my mission. I thought about some things I could do for my health- and I asked for a blessing from my companion and the zone leaders. My companion gave me a wonderful blessing- and I have felt great since. I went from fear to faith and I fixed my eyes on Christ.
We have had straight miracle days since Thursday! New investigators, less active families that we didn't know about that have some family members that can get baptized. We have gotten free rides- miracle contacts and timing for everything has been perfectly planned by God and down to the second. We are SO EXCITED! Elder Iglesias is already saying that this is one of his favorite areas. I love the work - Honestly I am so happy- and I am also happy because I know that up till now I have given it all that I have had- and I will have no regrets about my mission. The family home evenings are still giving fruits- and we are still going back with those investigators that we have found during them- things are going great. 

Elder Dazey

Patience and love for those who chose not to continue.

 I have had a great week.We have had lots of meetings.We are helping to build a kitchen out of adobe for some members from our branch. Our investigators are going well :D Sadly- Marco left us and we are now working with doing family home evenings- the members showed up to the family home evenings and we have been working really well with them :D  We have now done everything that my companion will need to know how to do and he is doing well :D Right now I was studying about gaining power in the Priesthood from a talk by President Nelson in the last conference. It was really cool- and I have been trying to strengthen my faith even more :D Thanks for the birthday present Mom! And tell Pap-pap thanks too! I LOVE YOU TOO MOM!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Working and Serving!

 I am working as the district leader in a district of 8 missionaries. We cover the District of Ignacio Mejia.
We have 4 pueblos we work in. Teotitlan, Tilapa, Los cues, Tecomavaca. We are almost done with the kitchen we are helping to build in Tecomavaca, and we still have to close a house where missionaries left. There are not that many interesting places to visit- but it is cool. I hope band camp goes well! It sounds like it is pretty hot.

Things are going great here. President is having us work with the branch in order to have family home evenings with all of the less active members and with that we are finding new investigators :D We are really excited. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH.

-Elder Dazey

Second to last Transfer!

Things are going well in my area. we are working hard and I am getting a new companion. Elder Forrest will be training in another Zone and Ignacio Mejia Zone (My current zone) will be a district of another zone- so I won't be a zone leader anymore- but I'll have the whole old zone in my district- so my responsabilities won't change at all because I'll still be in charge of the District (District is both a missionary organization of like 4-10 missionaries and the word is also used to describe a "stake" of many branches instead of wards) So I'll be the leader of the missionary district of 8 and I will have to communicate with the Branch Presidents and give a report to the District President of the "stake district." I hope that that made sense 
Anyway- We have to get going. I am going to meet up with Elder Iglesias- my new comp- I also have to prepare him to basically do Zone leader stuff as a district leader for when he is the district leader.
Anyway, I love you guys!
-Elder Dazey